If you’re like many Purposeful Hustlers, you’re an independent go-getter who isn’t afraid to roll up your sleeves and do whatever needs to be done. You take pride in your work ethic, and you’re dedicated to following through with your commitments. These are all excellent qualities to have, and they will take you far in your endeavors, BUT your rugged independence could occasionally have negative effects. Pushing yourself is one thing; pushing yourself to the point of exhaustion is an entirely different story. Additionally, there are some situations where—even though you may hate to admit it—you’re simply not an expert. You can’t know everything about every topic. If you’re trying to be your own website designer, marketer, IT manager, and accountant (in addition to running your business, founding a program, or whatever your “hustle” might be), you’re bound to run into areas that are simply beyond your expertise. And that’s okay! It’s fine to admit when you need help. In fact, it takes a good deal of courage to be vulnerable and humble enough to acknowledge when you’ve reached your limit. Dare to seek help when: You’re feeling overwhelmed or stressed. You’re having trouble keeping track of your various projects. You’re facing an issue that is beyond your area of expertise. You’re struggling to focus on your main mission. Your mental, physical, or emotional health is beginning to suffer. Your relationships are being negatively affected by your workload. Even if you know it’s time to ask for assistance, it’s a whole other thing to ask for it. You might feel embarrassed at the prospect of asking for help. You might feel like you’ve failed in some way if you need to turn to others for support. Or, you might assume that others are too busy to help or uninterested in lending support. Alternatively, you may assume that it’s too expensive to hire someone to assist you. All these roadblocks can prevent you from reaching out and asking for help when you require it. If you’re grappling with some of these roadblocks, try following these four steps:
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