4 Ways to Activate Your Purpose

on Mar 31, 2022 9:00:00 AM By | Deanna Singh | 1 Comment | Purpose Social Change personal development Hustle
I often have conversations with people who have a strong vision or sense of purpose. They’re driven by a particular passion or cause; they know what they want to achieve in life. Where these passionate individuals tend to run into trouble, however, is activating their vision. They have broad, grandiose ideas…but they need to give those ideas wings and coax them to fly. How can you transition from the idea phase to the action phase? Let’s discuss some of my tried-and-true methods for activating your purpose.
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8 Purposeful Influencers to Empower Your Social Media

on Oct 27, 2021 9:00:00 AM By | Deanna Singh | 0 Comments | Diversity Social Change Fun Culture Hustle
Lately, social media has (understandably!) been getting a bad rap. We’ve learned that Instagram has knowingly promoted unhealthy body images to young women; we know that Facebook has done very little to combat hate speech (and may even promote it!). And Twitter has been known to amplify anxiety and lead to deep-seated feelings of discontent and envy. But, take heart! There are still good and uplifting corners of social media. There are still influential change-makers who are using their social platforms to enact positive change. If you’d like to tailor your social media feed to be a little more empowering, try following some of these positive influencers:
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How to Make Career Decisions That Better Align with Your Values

on Apr 26, 2021 9:45:00 AM By | Deanna Singh | 0 Comments | Purpose Life Impact Social Change Career
If you’re at a point where you’re feeling like your career isn’t aligning with who you want to be in the world, it may be time to revisit your sense of purpose. This is something I need to do regularly to make sure I’m showing up as the best version of myself and making values-driven decisions, and it is the central theme of my book Purposeful Hustle.
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How to Afford to Change Your Life

on Apr 19, 2021 9:45:00 AM By | Deanna Singh | 0 Comments | Life Impact Social Change Plan Career Initiative
One of the most common obstacles people mention to me when wanting to do impactful work is finances. It seems like there’s never enough money to make the changes in your life that will help you live within your purpose or create the impact that you want to see. This is where the hustle part of Purposeful Hustle kicks in. With little or no money, I have seen people create countless impactful solutions. In fact, I soon realized in my philanthropic work that the organizations with the biggest impact are often the ones who are underfunded. Why? Because those organizations prioritize impact over fundraising and are too busy doing the work to raise the money. You CAN make a huge impact with a small cash flow.
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5 Places to Start When You Are Ready to Make an Impact

on Apr 5, 2021 9:45:00 AM By | Deanna Singh | 1 Comment | Purpose Life Impact Social Change Plan Initiative
You’re ready to start living in your purpose. You’ve identified your personal purpose statement using these Simple Steps to Make Career Decisions That Better Align With Your Values, or maybe you already felt clear and confident in what your purpose is. You’ve checked your fears and your doubts at the door. Maybe you’ve read 5 Questions to Ask if You Want to Take Action But Think There is Nothing You Can Do. Either way, you’re talking the talk of a Purposeful Hustler. Now it’s time to walk the walk. Here’s where to start:
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You Are Capable of Making Social Impact if You Possess These Qualities

on Mar 22, 2021 9:45:00 AM By | Deanna Singh | 0 Comments | Purpose Skills Impact Social Change
I like to think of those who make a social impact in the world as Purposeful Hustlers. They are people who know WHY they do something (their purpose), and HOW to get it done (their hustle). Their Purposeful Hustle is a propelling force that drives them to keep going, to explore all angles of a problem, and to not give up. It shapes the way they choose to move in the world and their ability to actualize their dreams. Purposeful Hustlers see the world for what it could be. They learn how to push things out of their heads and into reality. Maybe most importantly, Purposeful Hustlers learn how to do things without waiting for permission.
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5 Questions to Ask if You Want to Take Action But Think There is Nothing You Can Do

on Mar 15, 2021 9:45:00 AM By | Deanna Singh | 0 Comments | Purpose Impact Social Change Initiative
Maybe you’re fed up. Maybe you’re inspired. Maybe you’re furious. Whatever it is, there is an issue that you want to take action about or something that you want to change, but it feels too big. It’s too overwhelming. There’s nothing that YOU can do about it, right? Wrong! A Purposeful Hustler overcomes these barriers and doubts to live within their purpose. These are my tips for how to do so and questions to ask yourself when you’re feeling inadequate to make the change you want to see.
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How to deal with naysayers

on May 7, 2019 9:45:00 AM By | Deanna Singh | 0 Comments | Skills Life Social Change Career Self-Care
Most things worth doing involve some kind of risk. Especially when we pursue projects that we care deeply about, it can feel a little scary to put ourselves out there like that. It is not unusual for Purposeful Hustlers to find themselves going against the grain to make a positive impact, but that doesn’t make it easy. Acting unconventionally can stir up self-doubt and attract the attention of others, not always in a good way. Many of the people who may question or express doubt don’t mean to do harm, but that doesn’t mean that their criticism is always productive.
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So you’ve found your purpose… now what?

on Apr 30, 2019 9:45:00 AM By | Deanna Singh | 2 Comments | Purpose Life Impact Social Change Passion Career Initiative Wisdom Reflection
If living out one’s purpose was easy, everyone would be doing it. But it is not easy. Even if you know what your purpose is, you might not know how to live in that purpose. It may feel like there are a lot of obstacles in the way of the difference you want to make. That is where hustle comes into play. Purpose is WHY you do something. Hustle is HOW you get it done. So, you’ve gotten to the point where you can name your purpose. You know what lights you up, and have pieced together how your unique passions, skills and experiences can be channeled to have the most positive impact on the world, but how do you pull it off?
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Are we there yet? How to tell if you’re on the right path to finding your purpose

on Apr 16, 2019 9:45:00 AM By | Deanna Singh | 1 Comment | Purpose Skills Impact Social Change Passion Wisdom
So you think you’ve found your purpose? That’s awesome! Purpose is truly a gift, but the only way to know if you are on the right path for YOU is to test it out.
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