3 Tactful Ways to Say No

on Apr 21, 2022 9:00:00 AM By | Deanna Singh | 0 Comments | personal development Courage Communication
If you’re reading this blog, I’m guessing you have many of the common traits of a Purposeful Hustler—ambition, motivation, and the drive to make a positive impact. These are admirable traits, but they can also get you into trouble if you let them run wild. There are times when Purposeful Hustlers (myself included!) make too many commitments and become stretched too thin. Or, a Purposeful Hustler might say “yes” to something when they are well aware that they should have said “no.” Saying yes is not always a bad thing. Agreeing to do things that stretch your skills or push you outside your comfort zone can help fuel your development, build resilience, and equip you with a new set of skills. There are times, however, when saying yes does more harm than good.
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Stomp Out Fear, Live Your Purpose

on Apr 7, 2022 9:00:00 AM By | Deanna Singh | 1 Comment | Purpose Courage Fear
I won’t lie to you. Centering your life around your purpose isn’t always easy. You might have to take multiple leaps of faith as you make major (and minor) changes to put your purpose first. I remember times when the fear of following my purpose was so huge and terrifying, I thought it would swallow me whole. I recall being afraid of what people might say, making the wrong choices, losing my place on the company ladder, and failing financially. These doubts would constantly nibble at me, but I decided to either ignore them or face them so I could fully step into my purpose. To do this, I had to stomp out my fear. I had to make sure I controlled it, instead of the other way around. This wasn’t always an easy task, and I had to go about my “fear stomping” with intentionality. After all, fear is a natural biological response to uncertainty, and it can affect you on a mental, physical, and emotion level. To start stomping out your fears, try these 3 simple steps...
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4 Ways to Prevent Burnout

on Nov 11, 2021 9:00:00 AM By | Deanna Singh | 0 Comments | Purpose Life Wisdom Courage Motivation Hustle
Picture yourself as a matchstick. You burn strong and bright at first, but unless that flame is transferred to kindling, you will eventually reach the end of the match and fizzle out. This is similar to how burnout works. You can’t keep up your energy (flame) without the right resources and support (kindling/fuel). Eventually, you will reach a point where you simply can’t keep going unless you shift gears (and light a new match). Before we get into how to prevent burnout, let’s talk about what it is. Burnout is a somewhat abstract idea, but if you’ve ever experienced it, you know how it feels. It seems as if all your energy reserves are depleted, and even the simplest tasks become difficult. This condition has become so prevalent (with 60% of workers experiencing frequent burnout) that the World Health Organization (WHO) has begun investigating the symptoms and roots causes of burnout. The WHO defines burnout as, “a syndrome conceptualized as resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed.” The organization goes on to describe its main characteristics as depleted energy/exhaustion, increased negativity about one’s job, and flagging work performance. No one wants to feel this way, of course. The day seems so much brighter when you’re excited and energized about work. And many people do feel this way when they start a new job or begin a new project—it’s the energy that comes with a sense of newness and the opportunity to explore new possibilities. Just like a slowly dwindling flame, burnout happens over time.
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It takes courage to be the first: what being a first-generation college student taught me

on Jul 21, 2021 6:13:40 PM By | Deanna Singh | 0 Comments | Purpose Life Wisdom Courage Motivation
It was 5:30 in the morning and my full-to-the-brim teal minivan made its first stop at my grandmother’s home. Big Mama, as she was affectionately called, was sitting on her front porch with people from up and down the block. The kids I had played with my entire life came to see me off as I embarked on a new adventure; one that was not afforded to most people in my community.
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