4 Ways to Support Working Parents (an article for employers AND parents)

on Sep 8, 2022 9:00:00 AM By | Deanna Singh | 0 Comments | Career Family Children Resources
September evokes many different images, thoughts, and emotions. We associate this month with the end of summer and beginning of fall, a shift in the weather, and (for many) the start of a new school year. While back-to-school time can be a relief for many parents (caring for restless kids during the summer can be a full-time job on its own!), it can also kick off other types of complications—carpooling to soccer games, picking kids up from drama club, chaperoning school field trips. For working parents, life is rarely easy or still. As we ease back into the school year, it’s helpful to acknowledge the challenges that come with balancing parenthood and a career. Sacrifices and compromises are essential parts of life. For working parents, things can get tough and stress levels can run high, but I’m here to tell you it is possible to juggle both, especially when you have the backing of a supportive employer. This post is meant for two different types of people: working parents and the people who employ them. If you are an employer (or manager, HR rep, or anyone with some clout in your company), think about how you can support your people by taking some of the following actions. If you are an employed parent that is not receiving all the support you deserve, consider asking about some of the items on this list. When workplaces provide resources and empathy to working parents, everyone wins.
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10 DEI books to Spark Workplace Discussions/Action

on Jul 28, 2022 9:00:00 AM By | Deanna Singh | 0 Comments | Diversity personal development Resources Inclusion
When it comes to building a more diverse and inclusive workplace, education is key. Workshops, seminars, and training courses are all valid ways to learn about diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), BUT you can also take your education into your own hands and pick up a book. Sure, blog posts and articles can deliver bits of wisdom, but books take a deep dive. They provide a rich wealth of knowledge that you can take and use in your everyday life. There’s a reason some of the wealthiest people in the U.S. (think Oprah, Bill Gates, and Warren Buffett) are also exceptionally well-read. Books can deliver insights and ideas to fuel your hustle. When it comes to DEI-centered books, you have a lot of options (including my own publication, Actions Speak Louder). However, not all DEI books are created equally. We did the research and put together a list of 10 engaging and educational books that cover diversity, equity, and inclusion topics. Pick the ones that spark your interest, find a cozy spot, and start reading!
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4 Sources for Startup Money, No Strings Attached

on Apr 28, 2022 9:00:00 AM By | Deanna Singh | 0 Comments | Money Small Business Resources Startup
One of the biggest worries for those hoping to start a small business is financial security. There are bills to pay, groceries to buy, children to support, car repairs to make—the list goes on. The financial hurdle can be so terrifying that many would-be business owners never dare to make their move. I get it. I’ve been there. For me, it took a lot of planning and candid budget discussions with my husband before I was ready to take that leap. We prepared ourselves for some lean months, and I was ready to hit the ground running to create a viable, profitable business. Everyone’s financial situation is different, but no matter your bank account balance or credit score, there are numerous opportunities to drum up funding to start your own business, including several methods that don’t involve paying back the money you raise. Here are 4 ways…
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7 Low-Cost Marketing Strategies and Tools

on Mar 24, 2022 9:00:00 AM By | Deanna Singh | 1 Comment | Business Money Small Business Resources
When you think about marketing your business, you might be overwhelmed by dollar signs. Social media ads, promotional videos, marketing professionals—these things all cost money. But there are several low-cost (or no cost!) ways to market your business. Here are my top 7 suggestions:
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The 6 People Small Biz Owners Need

on Mar 17, 2022 9:00:00 AM By | Deanna Singh | 0 Comments | Career Business Small Business Resources
If you’re like me, you probably think you can do it all. You are independent, have a DIY attitude, and set a ridiculously high bar for yourself. Even when you know you should ask for help, you don’t. You keep pushing until you’re burned out, or until you realize you should have called upon a professional to build your website or run your marketing campaign. If this all sounds a little too familiar, I challenge you to shift your thinking. You cannot and should not do everything yourself. For one, you are not an expert in everything (nor should you be!), and sometimes it’s best to hire out work that isn’t in your wheelhouse. Secondly, you’re busy! You frankly don’t have time to do everything yourself, and hiring out/delegating certain tasks can free up your schedule so you can tackle the work you’re passionate about—work that’s at the core of your business. To help your business grow and flourish, consider engaging the services of the following six people...
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