5 Ways for Ambitious People to Build Trust

on Jun 16, 2022 9:00:00 AM By | Deanna Singh | 0 Comments | leadership personal development relationships trust
Whether you’re an entrepreneur, a leader, a solopreneur, or a volunteer organizer, trust is foundational to success. Businesses are built on trust. Initiatives are started through trust. Trust is an absolute necessity for making progress—for reaching higher and going farther. Part of the reason trust is so integral to success is because we can’t do everything on our own. As a purposeful hustler, you’re ambitious and probably inclined to take on too much work on your own. But the fact is, you can’t grow a business or start a volunteer initiative if you’re the only one behind the wheel. You can’t expand your influence if you only trust yourself to do the heavy lifting. As the saying goes, “It takes a village.”
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on Aug 27, 2021 9:23:52 AM By | Deanna Singh | 0 Comments | Purpose Passion Friends Networking personal development relationships
If your career is demanding and fast-paced, you may find yourself checking emails constantly, making calls after hours, and thinking about your duties all the time. A lot of the time we talk about blending your profession with your purpose. But for some people, that can be daunting, especially when other people in your life depend on the stability your current job offers. Fear not! This is not a 0-sum game. If you don't want or aren't ready to rethink your day job, start with these questions: who are you outside of work? What motivates you to keep going? How can you find purposeful activities in your free time? A 2010 study published in Applied Psychology found that individuals with high levels of well-being—which involves having a sense of purpose along with a sense of control and a feeling like what you do is worthwhile—tend to live longer. Sounds to me like your life depends on your purpose! Well, maybe that’s a stretch, but finding little ways to make a difference can definitely help make your life more purposeful. Here are some ways to discover your purpose outside of work:
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The four checks to test your purpose

on Aug 12, 2021 2:50:24 PM By | Deanna Singh | 0 Comments | Purpose Passion Career Reflection time management relationships
Your life’s purpose consists of the central motivating aims of your life- the reasons you do what you do; essentially your “why”. Your purpose is used to shape your goals, offer a sense of direction, and guide life decisions. This translates into the type of work you do, the people you associate with, and the impact you wish to create. During the course of you striving for an ideal life, one must have pit stops along the journey to make sure you’re on the right path. Let’s call them checkpoints! This is where we check and see if all we’re doing is aligned with our desires and motivations. Here are four ways to test your purpose:
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What I learned celebrating the anniversary of my birth

on Jul 29, 2021 10:19:43 AM By | Deanna Singh | 0 Comments | Purpose Life Wisdom Reflection time management relationships
On July 25th (All my Leos stand up!) I celebrated the anniversary of my birth and although the knees may become a bit weaker, I’m still young at heart and living a purposeful life everyday! This is a time where we not only eat cake, celebrate, and get gifts, but in my family, we also reflect on how much we’ve grown in the past year. As you grow each year and you experience the world, here are some things to consider:
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