Leading with Inclusion: 6 Habits to Adopt This Year

on Jan 5, 2023 9:00:00 AM By | Deanna Singh | 0 Comments | leadership goals Inclusion Teamwork
With workplaces just easing into the new calendar year, what better time to adopt new, productive habits? Your habits not only shape your daily life, they can have a ripple effect on those around you and can fundamentally change who you are. According to James Clear, author of Atomic Habits, “Every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become.” Why not make this the year to improve your inclusivity practices and become a more welcoming leader? Inclusive leaders tend to be successful leaders. When individuals feel respected and included in the workplace, their morale and productivity increase. Not only that, inclusivity opens the door to a wider range of perspectives and ideas, creating more robust projects and collaborations. Research shows that when diverse team members collaborate effectively, they engage in better problem-solving. Clearly, inclusive leadership is a win for both the team and the organization, as a whole. Work to improve inclusivity in your workplace this year by practicing these 6 daily habits:
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6 Ways to Show Your Team Gratitude

on Dec 22, 2022 9:00:00 AM By | Deanna Singh | 1 Comment | leadership Teamwork gratitude
At the end of the year, it’s natural to reflect on the year and everything you’ve accomplished. If you’re like most leaders I know, I’m guessing you’ve achieved quite a bit in the last 12 months! But you didn’t do it alone. Your team was with you every step of the way, working to achieve company goals (and helping you look good in the process!). The truth is, even the most efficient leaders cannot—and should not—do everything on their own. It takes a team to generate and implement ideas, conduct research, perform day-to-day operations, and support each other along the way. This holiday season, why not show your team a little extra appreciation? Studies show that employees who feel appreciated tend to have higher job satisfaction, stay with the company longer, and are more productive. Not to mention, it feels good to be recognized for your efforts! Here are six ways to show your team gratitude:
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The Trouble With Unequal Team Development (and what leaders can do)

on Nov 10, 2022 9:00:00 AM By | Deanna Singh | 0 Comments | leadership personal development Equity Teamwork
Imagine you’re training to run a marathon. A personal trainer has determined your exercise schedule, and a dietician has advised you on which foods to eat and which to avoid. You have the best pair of shoes on the market, a sweat-wicking running shirt, and a custom water bottle. After months of following a training and diet regime, you’re set up for success. Now, imagine you don’t have any of those things. Instead, you’ve been dropped off at the starting line wearing your street clothes and casual shoes. You don’t have any training under your belt, and you haven’t even been given a map of the course! What are the chances you’ll actually succeed? This analogy illustrates the distinct advantages and disadvantages certain people experience in the workplace. Some are simply setup for success far better than others, whether they realize it or not. And those advantages are often perpetuated by company leaders (again, whether they realize it or not).
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4 Ways to Effectively Lead a Multi-Generational Team

on Nov 3, 2022 9:00:00 AM By | Deanna Singh | 0 Comments | leadership Business Communication Teamwork
In today’s workforce, it’s possible for five different generations to work alongside one another. Baby Boomers (born between approximately 1946 and 1964), Generation X (1965-1980), and Millennials (1981-1995) comprise the bulk of the workforce, while the Traditionalists (aka The Silent Generation, 1922-1945) and Generation Z (1996-2015) make up a smaller sliver. With people living and working longer, this blended workforce is new and unique. A multi-generational workforce can be a boon to businesses. When people of different ages effectively collaborate, that can result in more innovations and creativity, stronger brand-building, greater inclusivity, and knowledge sharing. However, multi-generational workplaces can also be a breeding ground for conflict and misunderstandings. A report by AARP reveals that “60 percent of workers report the presence of generational conflict in their workplace.” This conflict might be caused by differences in communication, values, goals, culture, or more. As a leader, how can you minimize conflict and effectively lead a multi-generational team? Try the following four approaches:
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