From Performance to Action: 5 Steps for True Allies

on Mar 9, 2023 9:00:00 AM By | Deanna Singh | 0 Comments | Impact Communication Authenticity Continuous Education
Last week, we discussed actions that may look like allyship on the surface, but are more performative than substantive. Your marginalized employees deserve more than a performance—more than empty promises and surface-level actions. To help make a more inclusive and equitable workplace, it is crucial for leaders to turn their promises of support into action. Here are a few key steps to get started…
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8 Black Entrepreneurs Making an Impact

on Feb 16, 2023 9:00:00 AM By | Deanna Singh | 0 Comments | Diversity Impact Business Entrepreneur
It’s Black History Month—a well-intentioned time of year that can, unfortunately, be used as a “free pass” to gloss over Black people and our history for the other 11 months of the year (see my blog post on Using Black History to Propel the Future for more). Additionally, it’s crucial to remember that Black innovation and changemaking do not solely belong to the past—to history. Today, Black people are making waves and making strides in many industries and roles. According to NBC News, Black-owned businesses have skyrocketed in recent years, increasing by an incredible 38 percent from February 2020 to August 2021. Let’s celebrate Black Present (instead of History) today by spotlighting 8 incredible entrepreneurs.
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6 Ways DEI Initiatives Make a Lasting Impact

on Feb 9, 2023 9:00:00 AM By | Deanna Singh | 0 Comments | Impact Business Inclusion DEI Consultant
We’re in the second week of Black History Month in the United States. While it can be valuable to shine a spotlight on the amazing accomplishments of Black historical figures, activists, entrepreneurs, and other changemakers, it can also feel like checking a box. “Great, we celebrated Black history! Now let’s move on…” As an organization, it’s certainly fine to acknowledge Black History Month, but don’t let a single month offset the rest of the year! It’s not enough to send out a few inspirational quotes from famous Black leaders or mention Black history in a company newsletter. Instead, organizations should strive to create lasting, meaningful change all year long. One of the best ways to do this is by investing in diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives (which we’ve discussed often on my blog). DEI initiatives not only help diversify the workplace, but also create a more inclusive environment for all employees, regardless of race, gender, and other factors. Keep in mind, this isn’t about ticking items off a list. True DEI-centered actions are company-wide, leadership-driven, and long-lasting. If your organization is truly committed to DEI work, incredible transformations can take place. Here are 6 ways DEI initiatives make an impact...
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Using Black History to Propel the Future

on Feb 2, 2023 9:00:00 AM By | Deanna Singh | 0 Comments | Diversity Impact Children Race
I’ve been an activist and a vocal proponent of Black rights for as long as I can remember. As a high school student, I was livid when my school glossed over Martin Luther King, Jr. Day—a relatively new national holiday at the time. We celebrated Columbus Day, after all, which honored a man who didn’t actually discover anything, and who is a problematic historical figure for many, many reasons. As one of the few BIPOC kids at my high school, I felt compelled to do something to honor Dr. King and his legacy...
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From Intention to Action: 7 Ways to Make Meaningful DEI Progress in the Workplace

on Jan 19, 2023 9:00:00 AM By | Deanna Singh | 0 Comments | Purpose Impact Plan DEI Consultant
“Action expresses priorities.” - Mahatma Gandhi When it comes to creating an equitable and inclusive workplace, it’s not enough to have good intentions. After George Floyd’s murder in 2020, hundreds of major corporations pledged billions of dollars to DEI efforts. However, very few of those pledges actually came to fruition, and the ones that did were not necessarily spent productively. The Washington Post reported that, 14 months after Floyd’s murder, the 50 companies which had pledged $50 billion only actually distributed $1.7 billion. That’s less than 2 percent of what was pledged. That’s what happens when good intentions are not accompanied by a plan. Good intentions are a start, but they’re not enough. Unfortunately, this happens far too often in the DEI space. The intention is there, but because the organization does not have an intentional strategy, it has no teeth and inevitably fails or fades away. To achieve meaningful action, an organization needs to use their intentions as a springboard. Right now, the vast majority of workers value diverse and inclusive companies. Capitalize on that intention by taking meaningful, organization-wide actions:
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Caring for Employee Mental Health During Winter Months (6 ways)

on Jan 12, 2023 9:00:00 AM By | Deanna Singh | 0 Comments | Impact leadership Compassion mental health
The changing seasons can have a distinct effect on our moods, especially when the days are shorter and the weather is colder. For some, the effect is mild—perhaps increased irritation or some lethargy. For others, the effect is more severe—resulting in weight gain, difficulties concentrating, or depression. According to an article published by the Psychiatry journal, 20 percent of the U.S. population is affected by seasonal mood changes, with 6 percent experiencing seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and 14 percent experiencing the more mild “winter blues.” That’s a significant portion of the workforce! When that many people are affected by dark winter days, is it any wonder January and February are often the least productive months of the year? People are not feeling their best and, therefore, unable to perform at their peak. On the other hand, research shows, “…happy employees have 31% higher productivity, 37% higher sales, and 3x more creativity than unhappy employees.” It’s clear from a productivity angle that workplaces should pay attention to seasonal depression and take measures to help their employees. But beyond that, it’s simply the right thing to do. As a leader, it’s important to practice empathy (see my recent article about ways to boost empathy) and strive to create a supportive environment that is conducive to both physical and mental wellbeing. Start with these 6 steps:
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5 Benefits of Authentic Leadership

on Jun 2, 2022 9:00:00 AM By | Deanna Singh | 0 Comments | Impact leadership personal development Authenticity
Modern leadership books seem to be obsessed with authenticity. We’re told to be vulnerable, practice transparent communicate, become more self-aware, and bring our genuine selves to the workplace. All these steps can stretch our comfort zones, and we may begin to wonder if the effort is worth it. Do people really respond to authentic leadership? Does the workplace actually experience benefits from leaders being transparent and candid? In truth, authentic leadership is more than a trend or a buzzword. It is a highly effective approach to leading a team. When you make a concerted effort to be candid, transparent, and a bit vulnerable, you open the door for your team members to do the same. A leader’s actions have the power to influence workplace culture and empower both individuals and teams. Let’s talk about 5 positive side effects that result from authentic leadership.
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6 Strategies for Entrepreneurs to Stand Out

on May 5, 2022 9:00:00 AM By | Deanna Singh | 0 Comments | Impact Passion Hustle Entrepreneur
It’s challenging enough to make your business stand out from a crowd of competitors, but what if you, as an entrepreneur, want to distinguish yourself from others? What if you want to drum up awareness or attention about YOU, the force behind your business (or future business)? How can you begin to garner attention from potential customers or investors? How can you stand apart from everyone else who is hustling to create a business? There are few shortcuts when it comes to creating a solid personal brand and reputation. You must build them little by little, interaction by interaction. Here are 6 impactful ways to get started on your journey to becoming a standout entrepreneur…
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The Humble Hustler: 4 Powerful Reasons to Choose Humility

on Oct 13, 2021 9:05:32 AM By | Deanna Singh | 0 Comments | Purpose Life Impact Hustle Compassion
Before his untimely death in 2016, the musician Prince was a behind-the-scenes philanthropist. He didn’t need accolades and praise for his good work. He gave private donations to organizations he believed in, often anonymously or with instructions to not publicly acknowledge his gift. Since his death, many organizations have come forward with stories of Prince’s generosity. He gave to environmental initiatives and human rights causes. He was a major supporter of #YesWeCode, a nonprofit organization that works with youth from underrepresented backgrounds to improve their tech skills. He championed causes he believed in, no matter if they were perceived as traditionally progressive or conservative. Prince was a shining example of a humble hustler. Not only did he not expect praise for his good deeds, he also had a way of speaking to people, so they felt like they were on his level. He didn’t talk down to others; he didn’t demand the limelight. He was aware of his imperfections and opened himself to continuous learning. The lessons we can learn from the late, great Prince apply to many facets of life, including entrepreneurship and leadership. Today, many people believe they need to be loud and flashy to catch others’ attention and make an impact. They believe that to reach the top, they need to focus solely on themselves. According to Jean Twenge and W. Keith Campbell, psychologists and authors of The Narcissism Epidemic, we are living in an era of narcissism. Through their research, they found that narcissistic traits have drastically risen over the past few decades, exemplified by an uptick in plastic surgery, a lack of empathy, and the rise of self-focused social media.
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How to Make Career Decisions That Better Align with Your Values

on Apr 26, 2021 9:45:00 AM By | Deanna Singh | 0 Comments | Purpose Life Impact Social Change Career
If you’re at a point where you’re feeling like your career isn’t aligning with who you want to be in the world, it may be time to revisit your sense of purpose. This is something I need to do regularly to make sure I’m showing up as the best version of myself and making values-driven decisions, and it is the central theme of my book Purposeful Hustle.
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