6 Ways to Push Back Against Unconscious Bias

on Aug 25, 2022 9:00:00 AM By | Deanna Singh | 2 Comments | Diversity Race Fear Bias
Our brains have evolved over thousands of years to take mental shortcuts. We are capable of processing about 11 million pieces of information per second, but only 40 pieces of information is processed consciously (while the vast majority happens subconsciously). Because of these neuro-shortcuts, when we meet new people, we tend to automatically make snap judgments about them. Years ago, this was a safety mechanism. Our brain’s amygdala, which controls our fight or flight reflex, would give a signal to run/react/fight in the face of the unknown. Today, that animal impulse still lingers in the form of unconscious bias. Obviously, the human race has come a long way over the past couple thousand years, but that has only complicated unconscious bias, not eliminated it. Now, instead of fearing unknown entities, we might instead believe social narratives about certain groups of people. According to Renee Navarro, Vice Chancellor of Diversity and Outreach at UCSF, “Everyone holds unconscious beliefs about various social and identity groups, and these biases stem from one's tendency to organize social worlds by categorizing.” Categorizing. Mental shortcuts. Unconscious processing. While these cognitive tendencies might occur instinctively, that doesn’t give anyone a free pass to hold onto their biases. It is our collective responsibility to acknowledge unconscious bias and work to change the narrative (both in society and within our own heads). Start with these 6 steps...
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Stomp Out Fear, Live Your Purpose

on Apr 7, 2022 9:00:00 AM By | Deanna Singh | 1 Comment | Purpose Courage Fear
I won’t lie to you. Centering your life around your purpose isn’t always easy. You might have to take multiple leaps of faith as you make major (and minor) changes to put your purpose first. I remember times when the fear of following my purpose was so huge and terrifying, I thought it would swallow me whole. I recall being afraid of what people might say, making the wrong choices, losing my place on the company ladder, and failing financially. These doubts would constantly nibble at me, but I decided to either ignore them or face them so I could fully step into my purpose. To do this, I had to stomp out my fear. I had to make sure I controlled it, instead of the other way around. This wasn’t always an easy task, and I had to go about my “fear stomping” with intentionality. After all, fear is a natural biological response to uncertainty, and it can affect you on a mental, physical, and emotion level. To start stomping out your fears, try these 3 simple steps...
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When the fear monster rears its head, do this.

on Aug 19, 2021 4:46:07 PM By | Deanna Singh | 0 Comments | Reflection Self-Care Fear
Life is so beautiful and precious; even more so if you are living a life filled with happiness, peace, and contribution! However, many people (me included!!!) have had moments of uncertainty and fear where they’re at a standstill. In those moments, the “problems” are magnified and feel like a ton of bricks on your shoulders. The flashing thoughts of the worst-case scenarios plague your mind and making a decision seems daunting, to say the least. In those moments where we struggle, it all boils down to what you focus on. I've come across those fears in the past, where uncertainty made me worry more than anything else. In the earlier stages of my career, I had the daunting task of resigning from a job that I loved, which meant leaving peers that I felt connected with, and walking away from the majority of my family’s income and a prestigious title. It was a necessary move for me at the time. The direction the company was headed in was out of alignment with my purpose. But I was scared. It wasn’t until I did these three things to address my fears that I was able to make a purposeful shift:
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