How Learning About Yourself Builds Bridges (6 Ways)

on Mar 23, 2023 9:00:00 AM By | Deanna Singh | 0 Comments | Reflection Communication Authenticity Inclusion Continuous Education
The wisdom of ancient Greek philosophers might not be too relevant in everyday conversation, but they did say a few things that still hold water today. Among their commonly used maxims was a phrase that still resonates with many of us: “Know thyself.” It’s a simple phrase, but one that’s loaded with meaning. How well does the average person really know themselves? And how often do we sit down to intentionally become acquainted with our inner monologues (that voice that runs through our heads)? Or think about our behaviors or tendencies? Or reflect on how we might have handled a past incident better? If you’re like most people I know, you rarely carve out time for this kind of thinking. We’re all so busy with our day-to-day responsibilities, we tend to skip over personal development work. And that’s a shame because research shows, “the habit of reflection can separate extraordinary professionals from mediocre ones.” There are many ways to develop a “habit of reflection.” You could choose to journal, take a science-based assessment test, talk to a counselor, read books on the topic (such as Insight by Tasha Eurich or Speak by Tunde Oyeneyin), or just carve out a few minutes of your day to think deeply. Not only can learning about yourself increase your confidence, self-awareness, and authenticity, it can also be a powerful tool for building bridges between yourself and others. Here are six reasons why:
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From Performance to Action: 5 Steps for True Allies

on Mar 9, 2023 9:00:00 AM By | Deanna Singh | 0 Comments | Impact Communication Authenticity Continuous Education
Last week, we discussed actions that may look like allyship on the surface, but are more performative than substantive. Your marginalized employees deserve more than a performance—more than empty promises and surface-level actions. To help make a more inclusive and equitable workplace, it is crucial for leaders to turn their promises of support into action. Here are a few key steps to get started…
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No More Performative Allies: 7 Empty Actions to Avoid

on Mar 2, 2023 9:00:00 AM By | Deanna Singh | 0 Comments | leadership Business Authenticity allyship
True allyship isn’t always easy. Using one’s privilege to support the rights of a marginalized group can involve “uncomfortable” actions such as acknowledging shortcomings, broadening one’s perspectives, conducting research or continuing education, and working hard (and continuously) to enact meaningful change. It’s far easier (and far too common) for people to play at allyship, especially in the workplace. Company leaders may say or do things that are merely performative or take actions that mean relatively little in the scheme of things. Performative allyship is like a prop kitchen on the set of a sitcom. At first glance, the set looks like a real kitchen, but if you tried to use it, you’d discover the water doesn’t run, the oven won’t bake, and the refrigerator won’t keep your food cold. All of the cupboards are merely shells, without any actual drawers or shelving. In short, the kitchen—like performative allyship—may look good, but it’s fairly useless in terms of functionality. Here are seven empty actions of performative allies—things people do (or say) with the intention of appearing to be allies, but which won’t make a meaningful difference in the lives of marginalized people.
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5 Benefits of Authentic Leadership

on Jun 2, 2022 9:00:00 AM By | Deanna Singh | 0 Comments | Impact leadership personal development Authenticity
Modern leadership books seem to be obsessed with authenticity. We’re told to be vulnerable, practice transparent communicate, become more self-aware, and bring our genuine selves to the workplace. All these steps can stretch our comfort zones, and we may begin to wonder if the effort is worth it. Do people really respond to authentic leadership? Does the workplace actually experience benefits from leaders being transparent and candid? In truth, authentic leadership is more than a trend or a buzzword. It is a highly effective approach to leading a team. When you make a concerted effort to be candid, transparent, and a bit vulnerable, you open the door for your team members to do the same. A leader’s actions have the power to influence workplace culture and empower both individuals and teams. Let’s talk about 5 positive side effects that result from authentic leadership.
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