Intrapreneurship: Find Purpose in Your Day Job

on Nov 30, 2021 1:30:46 PM By | Deanna Singh | 0 Comments | Purpose Career personal development Motivation Hustle
“Don’t wait for opportunity. Create it.” -Anonymous You don’t have to be an entrepreneur to exercise creativity and innovation. And you don’t have to quit your job and start your own company to live in your purpose. It is possible (and often less risky) to make meaningful change from within your current organization. It’s not necessary to switch roles or gain a promotion—you can unearth purpose-driven opportunities from exactly where you are today. It only takes some strategizing and a healthy dose of intrapreneurship.
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4 Ways to Prevent Burnout

on Nov 11, 2021 9:00:00 AM By | Deanna Singh | 0 Comments | Purpose Life Wisdom Courage Motivation Hustle
Picture yourself as a matchstick. You burn strong and bright at first, but unless that flame is transferred to kindling, you will eventually reach the end of the match and fizzle out. This is similar to how burnout works. You can’t keep up your energy (flame) without the right resources and support (kindling/fuel). Eventually, you will reach a point where you simply can’t keep going unless you shift gears (and light a new match). Before we get into how to prevent burnout, let’s talk about what it is. Burnout is a somewhat abstract idea, but if you’ve ever experienced it, you know how it feels. It seems as if all your energy reserves are depleted, and even the simplest tasks become difficult. This condition has become so prevalent (with 60% of workers experiencing frequent burnout) that the World Health Organization (WHO) has begun investigating the symptoms and roots causes of burnout. The WHO defines burnout as, “a syndrome conceptualized as resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed.” The organization goes on to describe its main characteristics as depleted energy/exhaustion, increased negativity about one’s job, and flagging work performance. No one wants to feel this way, of course. The day seems so much brighter when you’re excited and energized about work. And many people do feel this way when they start a new job or begin a new project—it’s the energy that comes with a sense of newness and the opportunity to explore new possibilities. Just like a slowly dwindling flame, burnout happens over time.
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The Humble Hustler: 4 Powerful Reasons to Choose Humility

on Oct 13, 2021 9:05:32 AM By | Deanna Singh | 0 Comments | Purpose Life Impact Hustle Compassion
Before his untimely death in 2016, the musician Prince was a behind-the-scenes philanthropist. He didn’t need accolades and praise for his good work. He gave private donations to organizations he believed in, often anonymously or with instructions to not publicly acknowledge his gift. Since his death, many organizations have come forward with stories of Prince’s generosity. He gave to environmental initiatives and human rights causes. He was a major supporter of #YesWeCode, a nonprofit organization that works with youth from underrepresented backgrounds to improve their tech skills. He championed causes he believed in, no matter if they were perceived as traditionally progressive or conservative. Prince was a shining example of a humble hustler. Not only did he not expect praise for his good deeds, he also had a way of speaking to people, so they felt like they were on his level. He didn’t talk down to others; he didn’t demand the limelight. He was aware of his imperfections and opened himself to continuous learning. The lessons we can learn from the late, great Prince apply to many facets of life, including entrepreneurship and leadership. Today, many people believe they need to be loud and flashy to catch others’ attention and make an impact. They believe that to reach the top, they need to focus solely on themselves. According to Jean Twenge and W. Keith Campbell, psychologists and authors of The Narcissism Epidemic, we are living in an era of narcissism. Through their research, they found that narcissistic traits have drastically risen over the past few decades, exemplified by an uptick in plastic surgery, a lack of empathy, and the rise of self-focused social media.
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Establishing a Purposeful Routine

on Oct 6, 2021 9:00:00 AM By | Deanna Singh | 0 Comments | Purpose Skills Self-Care Motivation Hustle
Daily routines are more meaningful than you might realize. They go beyond drinking your coffee at a certain hour or exercising at a specific time of day. Routines are valuable for mental and physical health, productivity, and goal attainment. This isn’t a secret—most highly successful individuals have a well-established routine that they stick to throughout the week—but some routines are superior to others. How can you establish a daily routine that helps boost your productivity and achieve your goals? Try incorporating the following practices into your day:
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7 Books to Fuel Your Purposeful Hustle

on Sep 29, 2021 2:42:25 PM By | Deanna Singh | 1 Comment | Purpose Self-Care Motivation Business Hustle
What do successful Purposeful Hustlers like Oprah Winfrey, Pharrell Williams, Bill Gates, and Michelle Obama have in common? They all enjoy reading and acknowledge the transformative power of books. And I wholeheartedly agree! Books can be informative or inspirational. They can fuel dreams, broaden horizons, and introduce us to perspectives that are far different from our own. Books are a vital tool for any individual seeking to make a positive impact. Whether you’re hoping to start a new business, improve communication, capitalize on your talents, or elevate your motivation, books can deliver. Try reading a few pages every morning, listening to audiobooks at the gym, or setting aside some time during your lunch break to read. Even if you’re only able to read a few pages daily, it all counts! Which books will fuel your Purposeful Hustle by delivering valuable information and motivation? The following list is a good place to start:
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on Sep 3, 2021 9:49:27 AM By | Deanna Singh | 0 Comments | Purpose Career Networking Business Hustle
Authentic happiness, joy, and fulfillment in life is derived by leading a life that aligns with your purpose and passion. Purpose is the reason you do what you do; the motivation behind your actions and what you decide to pursue. Passion can be thought of as emotions or doing things that make you feel good. It’s tied to our innate abilities, talents, and desires. When you combine these things to fuel your career or business, it then means your life’s work is for a reason and for specific people that will benefit from it. As a purposeful entrepreneur or consultant, knowing what you want to do and how you want to do it is good, but you also have to figure out who you want to do it for and where you can find these potential customers. Here are some ways you can start to find the right clients for your business:
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on Aug 27, 2021 9:23:52 AM By | Deanna Singh | 0 Comments | Purpose Passion Friends Networking personal development relationships
If your career is demanding and fast-paced, you may find yourself checking emails constantly, making calls after hours, and thinking about your duties all the time. A lot of the time we talk about blending your profession with your purpose. But for some people, that can be daunting, especially when other people in your life depend on the stability your current job offers. Fear not! This is not a 0-sum game. If you don't want or aren't ready to rethink your day job, start with these questions: who are you outside of work? What motivates you to keep going? How can you find purposeful activities in your free time? A 2010 study published in Applied Psychology found that individuals with high levels of well-being—which involves having a sense of purpose along with a sense of control and a feeling like what you do is worthwhile—tend to live longer. Sounds to me like your life depends on your purpose! Well, maybe that’s a stretch, but finding little ways to make a difference can definitely help make your life more purposeful. Here are some ways to discover your purpose outside of work:
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The four checks to test your purpose

on Aug 12, 2021 2:50:24 PM By | Deanna Singh | 0 Comments | Purpose Passion Career Reflection time management relationships
Your life’s purpose consists of the central motivating aims of your life- the reasons you do what you do; essentially your “why”. Your purpose is used to shape your goals, offer a sense of direction, and guide life decisions. This translates into the type of work you do, the people you associate with, and the impact you wish to create. During the course of you striving for an ideal life, one must have pit stops along the journey to make sure you’re on the right path. Let’s call them checkpoints! This is where we check and see if all we’re doing is aligned with our desires and motivations. Here are four ways to test your purpose:
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on Aug 4, 2021 6:10:14 PM By | Deanna Singh | 0 Comments | HR Hiring Purpose Passion Initiative Culture Motivation
Human capital is arguably the most important asset a business has. In ensuring you get the right people that align with your company’s goals, recruiters typically have a system they follow. They check the work experience of the candidate, skills relevant to the job opening and then match them accordingly--typical stuff.
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What I learned celebrating the anniversary of my birth

on Jul 29, 2021 10:19:43 AM By | Deanna Singh | 0 Comments | Purpose Life Wisdom Reflection time management relationships
On July 25th (All my Leos stand up!) I celebrated the anniversary of my birth and although the knees may become a bit weaker, I’m still young at heart and living a purposeful life everyday! This is a time where we not only eat cake, celebrate, and get gifts, but in my family, we also reflect on how much we’ve grown in the past year. As you grow each year and you experience the world, here are some things to consider:
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