There was a time in my life when I was saying yes to everything. I took on random work, ran volunteer projects, and attended meetings whenever I was asked, no matter the project or event. I have always been adept at juggling projects and dividing my attention among several areas. However, at this point in my life, my schedule was so full, I only had an average of six hours of rest time built into my day (and that included sleep!). This pace was not sustainable and, ultimately, I felt burned out and stretched thin. The main problem? I was straying too far from my purpose when I said yes to everything. I ended up in meetings where I had little to offer or gain. I worked on projects that were well outside my wheelhouse or scope of interest. Ultimately, I was doing myself a disservice and not making the kind of impact I wanted to be making. It was time to pump the brakes and refocus! It was time to develop and stick to a purpose statement.
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