4 Ways to Prevent Burnout

on Nov 11, 2021 9:00:00 AM By | Deanna Singh | 0 Comments | Purpose Life Wisdom Courage Motivation Hustle
Picture yourself as a matchstick. You burn strong and bright at first, but unless that flame is transferred to kindling, you will eventually reach the end of the match and fizzle out. This is similar to how burnout works. You can’t keep up your energy (flame) without the right resources and support (kindling/fuel). Eventually, you will reach a point where you simply can’t keep going unless you shift gears (and light a new match). Before we get into how to prevent burnout, let’s talk about what it is. Burnout is a somewhat abstract idea, but if you’ve ever experienced it, you know how it feels. It seems as if all your energy reserves are depleted, and even the simplest tasks become difficult. This condition has become so prevalent (with 60% of workers experiencing frequent burnout) that the World Health Organization (WHO) has begun investigating the symptoms and roots causes of burnout. The WHO defines burnout as, “a syndrome conceptualized as resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed.” The organization goes on to describe its main characteristics as depleted energy/exhaustion, increased negativity about one’s job, and flagging work performance. No one wants to feel this way, of course. The day seems so much brighter when you’re excited and energized about work. And many people do feel this way when they start a new job or begin a new project—it’s the energy that comes with a sense of newness and the opportunity to explore new possibilities. Just like a slowly dwindling flame, burnout happens over time.
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Asking for Help: A Guide for Small Biz Owners

on Nov 4, 2021 9:00:00 AM By | Deanna Singh | 0 Comments | Hiring Skills Plan Self-Care Networking Business Hustle
If you’re like many Purposeful Hustlers, you’re an independent go-getter who isn’t afraid to roll up your sleeves and do whatever needs to be done. You take pride in your work ethic, and you’re dedicated to following through with your commitments. These are all excellent qualities to have, and they will take you far in your endeavors, BUT your rugged independence could occasionally have negative effects. Pushing yourself is one thing; pushing yourself to the point of exhaustion is an entirely different story. Additionally, there are some situations where—even though you may hate to admit it—you’re simply not an expert. You can’t know everything about every topic. If you’re trying to be your own website designer, marketer, IT manager, and accountant (in addition to running your business, founding a program, or whatever your “hustle” might be), you’re bound to run into areas that are simply beyond your expertise. And that’s okay! It’s fine to admit when you need help. In fact, it takes a good deal of courage to be vulnerable and humble enough to acknowledge when you’ve reached your limit. Dare to seek help when: You’re feeling overwhelmed or stressed. You’re having trouble keeping track of your various projects. You’re facing an issue that is beyond your area of expertise. You’re struggling to focus on your main mission. Your mental, physical, or emotional health is beginning to suffer. Your relationships are being negatively affected by your workload. Even if you know it’s time to ask for assistance, it’s a whole other thing to ask for it. You might feel embarrassed at the prospect of asking for help. You might feel like you’ve failed in some way if you need to turn to others for support. Or, you might assume that others are too busy to help or uninterested in lending support. Alternatively, you may assume that it’s too expensive to hire someone to assist you. All these roadblocks can prevent you from reaching out and asking for help when you require it. If you’re grappling with some of these roadblocks, try following these four steps:
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8 Purposeful Influencers to Empower Your Social Media

on Oct 27, 2021 9:00:00 AM By | Deanna Singh | 0 Comments | Diversity Social Change Fun Culture Hustle
Lately, social media has (understandably!) been getting a bad rap. We’ve learned that Instagram has knowingly promoted unhealthy body images to young women; we know that Facebook has done very little to combat hate speech (and may even promote it!). And Twitter has been known to amplify anxiety and lead to deep-seated feelings of discontent and envy. But, take heart! There are still good and uplifting corners of social media. There are still influential change-makers who are using their social platforms to enact positive change. If you’d like to tailor your social media feed to be a little more empowering, try following some of these positive influencers:
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Solopreneurs: 2 Steps for Keeping a Separate Biz Budget

on Oct 20, 2021 3:38:48 PM By | Deanna Singh | 0 Comments | Plan Business Hustle Money
When it comes to starting a small business, it’s easy for personal and professional spending to become as tangled as a plate of spaghetti. Is your morning cup of coffee a business expense? Did you save the receipt from your purchase of office supplies? And where should you deposit those first checks? All of a sudden, you have to pay closer attention to the flow of money—both income and expenditures. And, if your small business is a side hustle you have to pay attention to two (or more!) income streams and, potentially, create two different budgets. If that sounds overwhelming, don’t worry! We’ve got you. Budgeting your business and personal income really boils down to two main steps: Setting a budget Tracking your spending
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The Humble Hustler: 4 Powerful Reasons to Choose Humility

on Oct 13, 2021 9:05:32 AM By | Deanna Singh | 0 Comments | Purpose Life Impact Hustle Compassion
Before his untimely death in 2016, the musician Prince was a behind-the-scenes philanthropist. He didn’t need accolades and praise for his good work. He gave private donations to organizations he believed in, often anonymously or with instructions to not publicly acknowledge his gift. Since his death, many organizations have come forward with stories of Prince’s generosity. He gave to environmental initiatives and human rights causes. He was a major supporter of #YesWeCode, a nonprofit organization that works with youth from underrepresented backgrounds to improve their tech skills. He championed causes he believed in, no matter if they were perceived as traditionally progressive or conservative. Prince was a shining example of a humble hustler. Not only did he not expect praise for his good deeds, he also had a way of speaking to people, so they felt like they were on his level. He didn’t talk down to others; he didn’t demand the limelight. He was aware of his imperfections and opened himself to continuous learning. The lessons we can learn from the late, great Prince apply to many facets of life, including entrepreneurship and leadership. Today, many people believe they need to be loud and flashy to catch others’ attention and make an impact. They believe that to reach the top, they need to focus solely on themselves. According to Jean Twenge and W. Keith Campbell, psychologists and authors of The Narcissism Epidemic, we are living in an era of narcissism. Through their research, they found that narcissistic traits have drastically risen over the past few decades, exemplified by an uptick in plastic surgery, a lack of empathy, and the rise of self-focused social media.
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Establishing a Purposeful Routine

on Oct 6, 2021 9:00:00 AM By | Deanna Singh | 0 Comments | Purpose Skills Self-Care Motivation Hustle
Daily routines are more meaningful than you might realize. They go beyond drinking your coffee at a certain hour or exercising at a specific time of day. Routines are valuable for mental and physical health, productivity, and goal attainment. This isn’t a secret—most highly successful individuals have a well-established routine that they stick to throughout the week—but some routines are superior to others. How can you establish a daily routine that helps boost your productivity and achieve your goals? Try incorporating the following practices into your day:
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7 Books to Fuel Your Purposeful Hustle

on Sep 29, 2021 2:42:25 PM By | Deanna Singh | 1 Comment | Purpose Self-Care Motivation Business Hustle
What do successful Purposeful Hustlers like Oprah Winfrey, Pharrell Williams, Bill Gates, and Michelle Obama have in common? They all enjoy reading and acknowledge the transformative power of books. And I wholeheartedly agree! Books can be informative or inspirational. They can fuel dreams, broaden horizons, and introduce us to perspectives that are far different from our own. Books are a vital tool for any individual seeking to make a positive impact. Whether you’re hoping to start a new business, improve communication, capitalize on your talents, or elevate your motivation, books can deliver. Try reading a few pages every morning, listening to audiobooks at the gym, or setting aside some time during your lunch break to read. Even if you’re only able to read a few pages daily, it all counts! Which books will fuel your Purposeful Hustle by delivering valuable information and motivation? The following list is a good place to start:
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6 Free Resources for Your New Business

on Sep 20, 2021 3:29:55 PM By | Deanna Singh | 1 Comment | Skills Networking personal development Business Hustle
Establishing and developing a new business may sound as daunting as climbing Mount Everest. The sheer number of items you need to address before “opening shop” can feel overwhelming, and it may be difficult to know where to begin. However, you don’t have to tackle your new venture on your own. Many accessible resources exist that can help support your fledgling business. Just like Mount Everest climbers have plenty of support (mountaineering guides, trainers, gear manufacturers for cold-weather clothing and shoes), so, too, do entrepreneurs have a wealth of resources available to them. Additionally, many of the resources for new business owners are free or low cost. Tap into one or more of the following resources for your new business venture:
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4 Ways to Start a Purposeful Hustle with little to no starting capital

on Sep 14, 2021 11:31:48 AM By | Deanna Singh | 0 Comments | Career Networking Business Hustle Money
Henry Ford once said, “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right.” This declaration may seem bold, but it holds an important kernel of truth: your attitude, more than anything else, can determine your success. This is especially true when you’re attempting to start a purposeful hustle on a limited budget. You may look at your bank account, become discouraged, and put off your dreams for “another day.” I encourage you to NOT let finances be a limiting factor when it comes to pursuing your dreams! Having a strong vision, purpose, and drive is a thousand times more important than having excess cash. With enough motivation and a few smart strategies, you can start almost any type of purposeful hustle with less than a thousand dollars. Here are four strategies:
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on Sep 3, 2021 9:49:27 AM By | Deanna Singh | 0 Comments | Purpose Career Networking Business Hustle
Authentic happiness, joy, and fulfillment in life is derived by leading a life that aligns with your purpose and passion. Purpose is the reason you do what you do; the motivation behind your actions and what you decide to pursue. Passion can be thought of as emotions or doing things that make you feel good. It’s tied to our innate abilities, talents, and desires. When you combine these things to fuel your career or business, it then means your life’s work is for a reason and for specific people that will benefit from it. As a purposeful entrepreneur or consultant, knowing what you want to do and how you want to do it is good, but you also have to figure out who you want to do it for and where you can find these potential customers. Here are some ways you can start to find the right clients for your business:
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